Christie Place Development (2010 LGAA)
Village of Scarsdale (Winner)
County: Westchester County
Population: 10,001 to 50,000
Village Hall: (914) 722-1231
Scarsdale condemned two parcels totaling 1.6 acres in the Village Center for the purpose of providing public parking and ancillary uses in 1999. After developing preliminary plans for a publicly financed parking structure, which was ultimately tabled by vote of the Village Board, the Board issued a Request for Proposals for a mixed use development through a public/private partnership.
Christie Place Development is the product of an innovative public/private partnership. The Village sold and conveyed the property to a private developer in exchange for the value of construction of public amenities. The development incorporates green building techniques such as a roof garden, and includes 42 senior housing units specifically designed to meet their needs, 12,000 sq. ft. of ground floor retail space, 370 public and private parking spaces, a police substation, and public restrooms. The public/private partnership was a creative approach to achieve the planning goals discussed in the 1994 Village Comprehensive Plan and is an example by which municipalities may be able to attain economic development objectives, public infrastructure and other amenities, as well as to maintain or improve the character of a business district. Additionally, Village zoning laws include incentives to developers to provide identified public amenities.
Christie Place Development transformed a vacant Village lot into a vibrant retail and housing facility with both public and private parking. The Village retained an easement for public parking and other public facilities in exchange for the land while realizing the future benefit of parking meter and permit revenue. The partnership has increased the size of the market for downtown business, creating approximately 40 jobs for Westchester County residents and result in $430,000 in additional annual property taxes. The Village sold property with the condition that the developer construct a mixed-use senior residential condominium and retail project, and a parking facility that was architecturally compatible and supportive of the Village Center ambience. The Village maintained an easement in perpetuity for the public parking and other public spaces.
The project satisfied a documented need for additional commuter and short term parking, traffic and pedestrian safety improvements, senior housing, and new retail including a restaurant in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. The project also replaced a vacant lot with an attractive building in keeping with the existing medieval revival/Tudor style architecture of the Village Center.