Frank A. Leak Amphitheater for the Arts (2004 Public Works)
Village of Colonie
County: Albany County
Population: 5,000 to 10,000
Village Hall: (518) 869-7562
The Village of Colonie completed the "Frank A. Leak Amphitheater for the Arts" project. The amphitheater is a facility for use by the general public for awards ceremonies, weddings, and other community based activities.
The Village Board applied for and received a matching grant from NYS Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. Contracts were awarded to a contractor, but after a building cost review, the Board determined that the cost for the additional seating area exceeded the grant. When the contractor bids were received, they totaled approximately $248,000 which included seating and site work. After careful review, the Village DPW employees did the seating and site work for a savings of about $32,000 of labor and materials.á As a result, the DPW employees undertook the job of completing the additional work.
A village Boy Scout troop helped to construct seating benches, and with the help of the village's DPW crew, installed the benches in various locations in and around the amphitheater.
In 2003, a village committee was formed to determine the best way to inform residents of the availability of the facility. The committee decided to offer different musical and drama performances.
This project could be implemented by other municipali¡ties. The DPW employees used their creative license to construct and implement a very beautiful facility to be used and enjoyed by the residents of the Village of Colonie for many years.