New Athletic "Field Turf" Grass/Cooperative Agreement (2005 LGAA)
Village of Rockville Centre (Winner) link
County: Nassau County
Population: 10,001 to 50,000
Village Hall: (516) 678-9300
Rockville Centre finished the installation of an artificial "field turf" system on two athletic fields, for the approximate cost of $1.2 million. By partnering with a local private college, and allowing limited college field usage, the village substantially increased playing time for all sports clubs and high school teams, saved yearly maintenance costs and water consumption, and delivered two NCAA Class I sports fields.
The local college was able to elevate their college sports program by attracting better athletes.
"Field Turf" grass ensures a beautiful surface; free of divots, holes and other defects which will always be evident in the high traffic areas, and will significantly reduce the chances for injury.
By utilizing a current government requirements contract, Rockville Centre was able to build two premium fields for the price of one. Rockville Centre divided all costs equally, saving a total of $600,000 for having two fields finished with artificial "field turf" grass. Going forward, $50,000 will be saved every year on seasonal maintenance costs, and the village has quadrupled the playing field time for all sports groups, alleviating pressure for practice and game time.
The village was able to take advantage of the local county contract to ensure a quality product and installation at a lower cost, work with a local college and enhance the parks for the ultimate benefit of all.