Firefighter Wellness Program (2008 LGAA)
City of Albany (Winner)
County: Albany County
Population: 50,000 +
City Hall: (518) 434-5100
A comprehensive study released by the U.S. Fire Administration found the leading cause of death for firefighters to be heart attacks, which account for roughly 44% of all deaths. With these statistics in mind, the City of Albany created the Firefighter Wellness Program, designed to help significantly decrease firefighter morbidity, injury and mortality resulting from cardiovascular issues caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.
The goal of this program is to encourage a more proactive and holistic approach to health and fitness among the City's 260 firefighters. Partnering with Hannaford Supermarkets, firefighters are introduced to healthier eating habits and more nutritious food options. The City Department of Recreation assists members with individualized workout regimens and training sessions to emphasize the importance of strength and endurance. The firefighters are also encouraged to receive a cardiac calcium screening, which can help identify those with an increased risk of heart disease. This program is a new way to ensure that all City firefighters have access to the necessary tools available to remain healthy and safe throughout their career. The City of Albany is considered a leader in promoting wellness among its emergency services personnel.
By promoting this healthy lifestyle, the City of Albany firefighters are able to continue serving the residents of Albany in a more safe and efficient manor. The Firefighter Wellness Program would not be possible without the help and generosity from Hannaford Supermarkets and the Department of Recreation. Also, the support from City residents encouraged the firefighters to achieve these healthy lifestyle goals. This program is, and will continue, improving service, health and quality of life within the City of Albany.