Neighbors for Neighbors (2017 LGAA)
Village of East Hills
County: Nassau County
Population: 5,000 to 10,000
Village Hall: (516) 621-5600
A new East Hills Village Committee was created and members appointed to respond to the urgent needs of residents, particularly those aged and handicapped. With the formation and the appointment of committee members in 2017, the program "Neighbors for Neighbors" was officially born.
The program offers assistance day and night to seniors, handicapped residents and those in need of help or face an emergency. The help is provided by other residents in the village. The assistance ranges from delivering food or drinks to the homes during emergencies and prolonged power outages to providing transportation to Village Hall when electrical interruptions occur.
The network established now has 30 volunteers to provide assistance. It has already taken an older resident to a concert when they had no means to go to and from the event, transported seniors to Village Hall for electrical power, and looked in on older residents during storms to ensure relatives they were safe. There is no cost to the program and we hope that the program is adopted by other communities.