Police Outreach Program (2007 LGAA)
City of Cortland (Winner)
County: Cortland County
Population: 10,001 to 50,000
City Hall: (607) 753-0872
The City of Cortland developed a unique strategy to strengthen the ties between the local police force and the community it serves. The Police Outreach Program, or POP, places officers and youths together in a recreational setting. This joint effort between the Cortland Youth Department and Police Department serves primarily as a mentoring program for youth in the community, and has the effect of creating positive relations between young individuals and local law enforcement.
Since POP! began in 1998, data shows that incidents of bike theft, fights and other petty juvenile crimes at youth centers and parks have declined. The police in the City are now able to focus on youth development, as opposed to just problem prevention. In addition, many officers feel that the positive relationships forged by this program have increased their effectiveness when problems do arise. Finally, community members have reported an increased sense of security thanks to the improved relationships as well as a more positive community attitude toward the police.
While the program was initially funded out of federal grant money, beginning in 2006 these resources were no longer available. Despite this, the City has been willing to continue to provide funding, since the savings from avoided arrests, fewer calls and increased effectiveness of the police department make the $16,000 investment well worth it.
Given the success of the program, the Cortland Youth Bureau and Police Department are now helping to replicate it across the state. They organize workshops at the statewide Youth Bureau Conferences on how to develop POP Programs, and both departments have offered to assist any municipality working to create a POP program.